Sunday, October 31, 2010
Anthony DeCurtis interviews Keith Richards

Anthony DeCurtis,
Keith Richards,
Rolling Stones
contexts: a poem about a painting
Obviously I've been reading and thinking about Burt Kimmelman's writing recently because Burt was here at the Writers House visiting. Before we move away from this poet, as is inevitable given so much that's going on, let's take one more look. It's a poem with a fabulously open first line: "Nothing is ever decided." Open enough out of context--just as a line--but now add that the poem is about a Robert Motherwell painting (seen at MoMA in January 1988) and, further, that the poet gave an illuminating brief intro to the poem before reading it at KWH the other day. Sometimes I like blogging about these matters because in such a space (as a matter of lasting record) several contexts can be laid out so easily across the various shareable media: the video (above) of the poet's intro; a PDF (click here) of the text of the poem (from the book Musaics, pp. 20-21); the audio-only recording of the poem being performed.
Burt Kimmelman,
Robert Motherwell,
ut pictura poesis
Saturday, October 30, 2010
4 former students read
Install the Flash plugin to watch this video.
Kelly Writers House
for teachers of the New York School

Many thanks to Curtis Fox, who featured this poem--and this terrific recording--in the most recent episode of the podcast, "Poetry off the Shelf."
Kenneth Koch,
New York School,
Friday, October 29, 2010
the snake according to Eileen Myles

Eileen Myles,
telephony so cool it's retro

Curtis Fox,
Kelly Writers House,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
from the other side of these words
Install the Flash plugin to watch this video.

Burt Kimmelman,
Kelly Writers House,
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Anne Tardos poem for Lytle Shaw

Anne Tardos,
Lytle Shaw,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Ken Irby in 1984

Kenneth Irby reads "Given: Three Beavers in a Tree," a 2 minute, 49 second recording made at Irby's 1984 Ear Inn reading. He also read several poems by Mary Butts and well as his own "Gutter Ode" and several others of his own poems. Thanks to Anna Zalokostas for segmenting this recording for the first time. The whole thing can be found at Ken Irby's PennSound page.
Kenneth Irby,
Sunday, October 24, 2010
lists of poetry books, 2010

Tan Lin | Seven Controlled Vocabularies and Obituary 2004. The Joy of Cooking [AIRPORT NOVEL MUSICAL POEM PAINTING FILM PHOTO HALLUCINATION LANDSCAPE] | Wesleyan | 2010
I wrote the following blurb for Tan’s metadata event: Tan Lin is the first poetic conceptualist with personality; it is no wonder he has paid scholarly attention to Eliot. But what was tradition has dissipated, as if it so needed, into detritus, and that cultural clog of ingredients are what you find “controlled” in SCV. In my estimation, this is the best book of poetry written yet this century, and precisely because the politics it demands are yet to come, but their context already so familiar.
Christine Wertheim, ed. | Feminaissance | Les Figues | 2010
One of several anthologies that have been useful to me in unexpected ways, the others include The Oxford Book of Latin American Poetry, and…
Brenda Iijima, ed. | eco language reader | Nightboat | 2010
Several things seem to be coming together lately: ecological thinking, somatics, conceptualism (updated, or exploited, depending), feminism, and it’s all here. What’s great about how this collection is comprised and presented is that it posits a center and clarifies the radius of sources past and present for making a foray—you don’t just sit there and absorb, as we say, “the material.” It invites practical pluralities of response. Praise seems beside the point.
Andrew Levy | Cracking Up | Truck | 2010
An old favorite (of a poet) from a new press. The cover shots of Ann-Margaret doing “Bye Bye Birdie” perfectly illustrate the methodically coagulated spurts of late-capitalist wisdom in these pages.
Patrick Durgin,
poetry books,
Steve Evans,
Third Factory
the revolution will be typewritten

Friday, October 22, 2010
Burt Kimmelman here on Tuesday

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Poet BURT KIMMELMAN will be reading at the Kelly Writers House next Tuesday, October 26, at 6:00 PM. A professor of English at NJIT, he has been called “a successor to the lineage of William Carlos Williams and George Oppen” by Jerome Rothenberg, as well a projector of “great possibility” in his latest collection, As If Free. Please help us welcome Mr. KIMMELMAN, who’ll be introduced by our own Al Filreis!
The Kelly Writers House presents
Tuesday, October 26, at 6:00 PM in the Arts Café
Kelly Writers House | 3805 Locust Walk
No registration required - this event is free & open to the public
BURT KIMMELMAN has published six collections of poetry – As If Free (Talisman House, Publishers, 2009), There Are Words (Dos Madres Press, 2007), Somehow (Marsh Hawk Press, 2005), The Pond at Cape May Point (Marsh Hawk Press, 2002), a collaboration with the painter Fred Caruso, First Life (Jensen/Daniels Publishing, 2000), and Poetry New York: A Journal of Poetry and Translation. He is a professor of English at New Jersey Institute of Technology and the author of two book-length literary studies: The "Winter Mind": William Bronk and American Letters (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1998); and, The Poetics of Authorship in the Later Middle Ages: The Emergence of the Modern Literary Persona (Peter Lang Publishing, 1996; paperback 1999). He also edited The Facts on File Companion to 20th-Century American Poetry (Facts on File, 2005) and co- edited The Facts on File Companion to American Poetry (Facts on File, 2007). He has published scores of essays on medieval, modern, and contemporary poetry.
Burt Kimmelman,
Kelly Writers House,
he's no alien

Charles Bernstein,
Lawrence Schwartzwald
Thursday, October 21, 2010
poetry & pumpkin chili, coming right up

Listen to an announcement about an upcoming event featuring Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz, who is our 2010-11 ArtsEdge artist in residence. By the way, she's providing Pumpkin Chili that night, based on a secret family recipe.
Kelly Writers House,
spoken-word poetry
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Writers House 15th featured

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Spotlight: Kelly Writers House Celebrates 15 Years of Success
Fifteen years ago a band of forward-thinkers believed there should be a place on campus where people could gather to appreciate, create, study and participate in every aspect of the writing process. The place, they believed, should exist outside the conventional classroom, be open to everyone in the community and be run by those who would use it.
That vision became the Kelly Writers House (KWH) at 3805 Locust Walk, which is celebrating its 15th anniversary on Oct. 30.
Al Filreis, the Kelly professor of English and one of the house's original founders recalls that KWH was established in 1995 on the idea that students at Penn deserved a place on campus where they could find a rich intellectual experience that had nothing to do with the curriculum.
Today, the house stands as a shining example of the power of artistic and educational collaboration put into practice. It's a place where novelists, poets, journalists, screenplay writers, humorists, food writers and others meet, work, dine and mingle.
In the early days, the house was known simply as the Writers House. But about a year into the Writers House initiative, Penn alumnus and Chairman of the China Ceramics Company Paul K. Kelly dropped by to see what was going on in the shabby Tudor-style cottage on Locust Walk.

Over the past 15 years, Kelly Writers House has welcomed world-class authors such as Joan Didion, Richard Ford, Ian Frazier, Joyce Carol Oates, Jamaica Kincaid, Grace Paley, Gay Talese, John Edgar Wideman and others. This year, Marjorie Perloff, Susan Cheever and Edward Albee will work with students through the Kelly Writers House Fellows program.
“It's more than just a venue for readings and events,” says Lily Applebaum, a junior in The College. “There is a real emphasis on community-building here, anybody can come in and make the space their own.”
Text by Tanya Barrientos
Photos courtesy of the Kelly Writers House & Steven Minicola
Kelly Writers House,
it makes of nonsense

Ray DiPalma
listen to the biography of Elsa von Freytag Loringhoven, the "Baroness"

Here is an audio version of the biographical profile of the Baroness that was published in the sixth issue of Sulphur (1983), read by Shawn Walker: MP3.
the Baroness
Sunday, October 17, 2010
oh, the things art students will do
Animal Cruelty, or Art?
GAINESVILLE, Fla., April 5 [1996] (Associated Press)
A college senior who dipped 40 live baby mice into resin, then cut the material into cubes for an art project, was charged with animal cruelty today.
The student, Vincent Gothard, a 25-year-old fine arts major at the University of Florida, faces up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted.
Mr. Gothard's lawyer, Robe Rush, defended the art project, saying the mice died instantly and were destined to become food for other animals anyway. He also maintained that the project was " clearly artistic expression and probably protected by the First Amendment."
GAINESVILLE, Fla., April 5 [1996] (Associated Press)
A college senior who dipped 40 live baby mice into resin, then cut the material into cubes for an art project, was charged with animal cruelty today.
The student, Vincent Gothard, a 25-year-old fine arts major at the University of Florida, faces up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted.
Mr. Gothard's lawyer, Robe Rush, defended the art project, saying the mice died instantly and were destined to become food for other animals anyway. He also maintained that the project was " clearly artistic expression and probably protected by the First Amendment."
contemporary art,
legal implications of art,
Thursday, October 14, 2010
the way Gertrude Stein wrote book reviews
Compare two reviews of Alfred Kreymborg's chatty group-bio/memoir of the high-flying modernists of Europe and New York in the late 1910s and early '20s. One is Gertrude Stein's book review published in Ex Libris, a magazine put out in Paris. The other, written by Mark Van Doren, was published in the Nation. At right is an image of the Stein review as it appeared in the magazine; click on the image for a larger view.
book reviews,
Gertrude Stein,
Mark Van Doren,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
PennSound on YouTube

Charles Bernstein,
John Yau,
Juliana Spahr,
Sunday, October 10, 2010
British blew up humanitarian flotillas after the Holocaust
"A new book to be published next week entitled MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949, by Keith Jeffery, reveals the existence of Operation Embarrass, a plan to try to prevent Jews getting into Palestine in 1946-'48 using disinformation and propaganda but also explosive devices placed on ships. Nor is this some speculative spy story that can be denied by the authorities: Jeffrey's book is actually, in their own words: 'Published with the permission of The Secret Intelligence Service and the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.'" Here is a link to the full review/article by Andrew Roberts.
Great Britain,
Friday, October 08, 2010
PoemTalk's 36th episode now out

modernist pedagogy at the end of the lecture

higher education,
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
recruiting young writers

higher education,
Kelly Writers House,
selections from the audio archives

Kelly Writers House
radical artifice and other topics, 1991
We at PennSound have just segmented an interview with Marjorie Perloff conducted by Aldon Nielsen for the Incognito Lounge in Palo Alto, CA, November 12, 1991. Here are the clips:
introduction by A.L. Nielsen (0:51): MP3
work on Frank O'Hara (7:13): MP3
"The Futurist Moment, poetic movements, and marginalized works (7:47): MP3
"The Poetics of Indeterminacy" and John Cage (15:02): MP3
the avant-garde and post-modernism (7:57): MP3
"The Radical Artifice," poetic language, and authentic speech (13:16): MP3
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets (7:42): MP3
Wittenstein and Gertrude Stein (6:52): MP3
And the complete interview (1:06:36): MP3. Here is the link to PennSound's Perloff page.
And the complete interview (1:06:36): MP3. Here is the link to PennSound's Perloff page.
Aldon Nielsen,
Marjorie Perloff,
Monday, October 04, 2010
Sunday, October 03, 2010
poetry and anticommunism, an essay-length primer

neo-Nazi teaches high-school history
Install the Flash plugin to watch this video.
Friday, October 01, 2010
we want water in every originist myth
Ah, the way we humans find ways to mythologize water. It flows into almost every narrative we make about origins. Here's my favorite instance of this:
I hardly need to say that the Mets were originally conceived as a balm to the wounds felt by Giant and Dodgers fans whose National League teams were stolen from them (moving to California) in the late 50s, in moves that have often and can really only be interpreted as white flight.
By the way, my friend Peter Tarr, who passed along this factoid to me, himself attended that first Shea game, April 18, 1964, the first of many, many losses Pete has endured.
On April 16, 1964, the day before Shea Stadium officially opened, Bill Shea christened the Mets' new home with two symbolic bottles of water: one from the Gowanus Canal, near Ebbets Field, the former home of the Brooklyn Dodgers and one from the Harlem River, near the Polo Grounds, where the New York Giants had played and later the Mets during their first two years. The next morning, April 17th, construction workers were painting outfield signs and fresh sod was being laid in the outfield as the teams took batting practice. (The Mets lost, 4-3, to Pittsburgh that afternoon.)
I hardly need to say that the Mets were originally conceived as a balm to the wounds felt by Giant and Dodgers fans whose National League teams were stolen from them (moving to California) in the late 50s, in moves that have often and can really only be interpreted as white flight.
By the way, my friend Peter Tarr, who passed along this factoid to me, himself attended that first Shea game, April 18, 1964, the first of many, many losses Pete has endured.
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