Wednesday, December 24, 2008

good bad ugly '08

Over at Lemon Hound, we have a good, bad, ugly roundup of the year in poetry & visual arts (and a bit from other genres too). There's this:

"The big American poetry sites: Ubu.Web and Penn Sound thank you, thank you, thank you Kenny, Al Filreis, Charles Bernstein--these resources are amazing. The Poetry Foundation comes third after those two, and yah, the PF has much, much more money. But money is only useful if its used. And used with vision. The Harriet blog is a fantastic start. How did Kenny Goldsmith create UBU? More people should be talking to him about that."

And also this:

"Poem Talk has some great episodes."

Note that PoemTalk is a collaborative project: PennSound, the Kelly Writers House, and the Poetry Foundation.