The other night we celebrated George Oppen's 100th birthday. Tom Devaney and Rachel Blau DuPlessis organized
the proceedings. Ten of us spoke for ten minutes each. Fifty minutes, a break for food and wine, and then another fifty minutes. It went fast. I could have listened to people to Tom Mandel and Ann Lauterbach and the others for hours more. You can have a
look at the program printed for the occasion. And you can already go to the PennSound page with links to
audio recordings of each of the 10-minute talks.
My own talk was about the poem "Myth of the Blaze."
Here is the recording of that talk. And
here is the poem read aloud by Rachel Blau DuPlessis. Here is the
text of the poem.
In the
previous entry I've presented a slightly revised version of
that talk, entitled "Oppen's Antifascism: Guilt in 'Myth of the Blaze.'"